Join our new Super Supporter program to help the development of Spectre!


Getting Started


Get directed here to view a list of all Spectre's commands.


Get directed to the Spectre Support server on Discord.


Get a link to invite Spectre to your own server.


Get details to donate to Spectre to help us improve.



Send a DM warning to any user in the server.*


Timeout any user in the server.*


Kick any user in the server.*


Ban any user in the server.*


Unban any user from the server.*


Lock the channel to admin only.*


Allow everyone in the server to view and send messages in the channel.*


Lock every channel in the server to admin only.*


Unlock every channel in the server where Spectre has permissions.*


Activate slow mode (in units of seconds) in the current channel.*


Bulk delete upto 100 messages at a time and optionally limit to only a specific user.


Sends a log of the moderator and action in #moderation-logs - if this channel doesn't already exist Spectre will create it and limit it to admin only.

User Support


Report other users to the admin team - submissions will be visible in the #reports channel (this channel will be made by Spectre if it doesn't already exist).


Make suggestions for the server to the admin team - submissions will be visible in the #suggestions channel (this channel will be made by Spectre if it doesn't already exist).

Server/Member Info


Make an announcement through Spectre - it'll repeat whatever you tell it to say.


Get a detailed profile on any user in the server, including account creation date and role based permissions.


Get a large version of any user's profile picture in chat.



Generate a random minecraft seed to get started on your adventure.


Translate a piece of text into a chosen language.